


We need water to carry out various day-to-day tasks, such as: preparing meals, taking care of personal and domestic hygiene, fishing, using it for transportation, producing electricity, using it for irrigation, hydration, etc.

These activities can only be carried out with fresh water, which is found on the continents and is distributed in rivers, lakes, underground layers of the soil or in glaciers.


Check the video “Importance of Water”:





• Where does the water come from?

• What care should be taken to avoid waste and reduce water consumption?

• How important is water in our lives?




The artesian well is used to capture the water present in the subsoil. What many people don’t know is that this solution can be a source of benefits, both for those who want to grow their business, and for those who are concerned about saving water, or simply preventing water shortages.





Build a well with parts from the 9656 Simple Machines Technological Kit.








Click the button to download the file.







• Do you save water when carrying out daily actions?

• Do you think fresh water is running out?

• Why can’t we survive more than a few days without water?