



Recycling is the process that aims to transform used materials into new products with a view to their reuse. Through this process, materials that would be destined for permanent waste can be reused.

It is possible to recycle various materials such as glass, plastic, paper or aluminum. The recycling of these materials provides a more rational use of non-renewable natural resources and a reduction in water, air and soil pollution.

The symbol used for recycling is a triangle made up of three black arrows arranged clockwise. The arrows represent the industry, the consumer and recycling itself, defining a cycle.

Source: click here.


Watch the video “Colors of the Trash”:



•What is recycling?

•How important is the recycling process for the environment?

•Do you know what selective collection is?





It is a process that consists of separating and collecting waste discarded by companies and people. In this way, materials that can be recycled are separated from organic waste (meat, fruits, vegetables and other foods). This last type of waste is disposed of in landfills or used to manufacture organic fertilizers.

In the selective collection system, recyclable materials are separated into: paper, plastic, metal and glass.

Source: click here.




Build a recycling bin using LEGO® EDUCATION Technology Kit – Simple Machines 9656 pieces.

Click the button to download the file.






What are the main advantages of recycling?

Did you experience difficulty in any part of the assembly? Which?

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