


Robotics is the science that uses technology to build machines capable of performing tasks autonomously or controlled. In educational robotics classes, research and construction of prototypes are carried out, such as animals, toys and machines.

Technology kits allow you to explore structural construction concepts, including bases, beams, connectors, wheels and levers. The bases and beams are essential for supporting the project, and are called rods.

Connectors join components, wheels facilitate transportation, and axles (or rods) connect wheels, always rotating at the same speed.

Auxiliary parts perform functions such as finishing and interconnection between parts.



• What is the main function of bases and beams?
• Why are bases and beams considered essential for supporting projects?



Explore the concepts of wheels and axles when moving a vehicle, build a car using parts to make the base and wheels and axles to give the vehicle movement.



After building the prototypes, share your experiences with your team and respond:

• Did you manage to achieve the objective?

• Did you have difficulty assembling the vehicle?

Then, save all the materials used.