Ethics and Citizenship




Ethics and citizenship play essential roles in the healthy development of society. While ethics refers to the moral principles that guide individual and collective actions, citizenship involves the rights and duties of citizens in a community. Ethical values such as honesty and justice strengthen the social context, promoting trust and mutual understanding. Being a responsible citizen implies contributing to collective well-being and respecting rights and duties. The interconnection between ethics and citizenship is crucial for building a just society. The introduction of the “accessibility elevator” theme highlights the importance of ensuring the inclusion of all people in society. The installation of elevators not only meets legal requirements but also reflects an ethical and citizen commitment, eliminating architectural barriers and promoting equal opportunities for all. This contributes to a more inclusive society, conscious of the needs of all its members.

Watch the video “Ethics and Citizenship Turma da Mônica”:





• What ethical and citizenship attitude caught your attention the most?

• Provide an example of a right and a duty that you practice in your daily life.






Elevators are suspended boxes balanced by a counterweight, which move through a steel cable driven by a motor, used to move goods or people, vertically.

The accessibility elevator is an infrastructure that promotes inclusion by providing easy access to spaces for people with reduced mobility, ensuring equity and equal opportunities.





Build an elevator with the pieces from the Simple and Motorized Machines Technological Kit.

Click the button to download the file.








Watch the video and see how the elevator works:






• Did the prototype built go up and down as seen in the video?

• What did you find most challenging during the construction?