Little Artists



Artists are people who use their creativity and talent to create works that can be seen, heard, or experienced in different ways. They can be painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, actors, dancers, and much more. Each artist has their own way of expressing feelings, ideas, and views of the world.

Types of artists:

Painters and Sculptors: Use paints, brushes, clay, and other materials to create visual art. Their creations can be seen in museums, galleries, or even on the streets, such as in murals and statues.
• Musicians and Singers: Create and perform music that can be heard at concerts, recordings, radios, and streaming platforms. Music has the power to move, energize, and connect people from different cultures.
• Writers and Poets: Use words to tell stories, convey emotions, and share knowledge. Their works include books, poems, articles, and scripts for movies and plays.
• Actors and Actresses: Portray characters in movies, TV series, theater plays, and commercials. They bring stories to life through their performances, allowing the audience to experience a wide range of emotions.
Dancers and Choreographers: Use their bodies to express feelings and tell stories through dance. Their performances can be seen on stages, music videos, and dance competitions.

Watch the video “What is art?”:


• What types of art do you know?

• Which type of art do you like the most?

• Where can we watch performances of actors and actresses?






Dragons are legendary creatures found in tales and myths from various cultures, known for their imposing appearance and ability to breathe fire. In cinema, dragons are often depicted as magical and powerful beings, appearing in fantasy and adventure films. Their elaborate visual representation in movies makes them fascinating to the audience, conveying a sense of wonder and admiration similar to contemplating a work of art. Additionally, dragons represent powerful themes in art, such as the conflict between good and evil and the hero’s journey. Their presence inspires creativity and imagination, challenging viewers to explore fantastic and exciting worlds.

In summary, dragons have a unique connection with cinema and art, representing the essence of fantasy and creativity, leaving an indelible mark on the history of visual culture.




Build a dragon using the pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION WeDo 2.0 Technology Kit.

Click the button to download the file.




Watch the video and see how the dragon works:


Make the dragon move as shown in the video.

1. Create the programming as shown below:





2. Explain to the rest of the class how the dragon worked.


Answer the questions and share the answers with your colleagues. 

What is the purpose of the block ?

Do you know what the block is for?

After the construction, store all the materials used.