Financial Education




One of the goals of Financial Education is to save, cut expenses, save money, and accumulate wealth. It also helps in managing your income, making savings and investment decisions, and practicing conscious consumption.

When we talk about Financial Education, we also aim for a better quality of life for the present and future. It is a way to provide material security and at the same time obtain a guarantee for unforeseen events.


Watch the video “Financial Literacy—Needs and Wants”:





•Do you usually save money?

•What is the best way to save money in daily life?

•Have you ever saved money to buy something?






The scale represents the importance of balance in all areas of personal finance. When we educate ourselves financially, we are learning to balance the income, expenses, and savings of our family.





Build a scale with pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple Machines Technology Kit.

Click the button to download the file.






What did you think of building a scale?

Which part of the assembly makes the scale move?