History of Inventions



History is the science that studies human actions over time. Invention refers to anything invented and the act of inventing (new ideas or existing objects). The person who dedicates their time to these discoveries is the inventor.

When a person creates something new without previous examples, this invention is a significant contribution to human knowledge and can be protected by a patent.

A patent is a right granted by the government to an inventor, allowing only them to make, use, sell, and import their invention for a certain period, usually 20 years. In return, the inventor must explain how their invention works so others can learn from it. Patents help protect new ideas and encourage innovation, allowing inventors to earn money from their creations.

Watch the video “The History of the Mixer”:





•What historical fact catches your attention the most?

•What inventions do you know?

•How do inventions make people’s lives easier?





The mixer is a household appliance widely used for beating the ingredients of a recipe.

There are electric models, which consist of a small motor that rotates one or two whisk-like parts. There are also mechanical models, which are not powered by an electric motor but by a manually activated gear with a crank.






Build a prototype of a mixer using pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple Machines Technology Kit.

Click the button to download the file.








Have you ever seen a mixer working? What is it used for?

What do the crank and pulley parts represent in the assembly?

How many different types of pieces were used in the assembly?