Little Artists




Art is a form of human expression that uses various means and techniques to create works that express emotions, communicate ideas, or provide aesthetic pleasure. It can be represented through painting, sculpture, music, literature, theater, dance, cinema, and photography.

Art is essential for cultural preservation and contributes economically through creative industries and cultural tourism. Since its emergence thousands of years ago, art has evolved and occupied an important space in our society.


Watch the video “What is Art? For Kids”:


• What type of art do you like the most: painting, music, dance, theater, sculpture, photography, among others?

• Is art already part of your routine?

• Do you like sculptures? Have you ever created one?







Sculptures are three-dimensional forms created by artists to represent objects, people, animals, or abstract concepts. They can be made from materials such as stone, metal, wood, clay, and resin, using techniques such as carving, molding, and casting. There are various types of sculptures, including statues, busts, reliefs, and abstract sculptures.

Sculptures serve artistic, commemorative, religious, and architectural functions, being a form of cultural and artistic expression present in all cultures throughout history.




Build a prototype of a sculpture using pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple Machines Technology Kit.

For this assembly, there won’t be a step-by-step guide. Use the knowledge acquired from previous projects, your imagination, creativity, and get to work!






What is the name of the sculpture you created?

Did you use decorative pieces in the assembly?

Which pieces considered structural were used in the construction?