


Mathematics is a fundamental discipline that permeates various aspects of our daily lives. It allows us to solve problems logically and systematically, developing essential skills to face challenges in all areas of life. Furthermore, mathematics is the foundation of many scientific and technological disciplines, driving advances and innovations in fields such as physics, computing, and engineering.

In everyday life, mathematics is used in various practical situations. It is essential for managing personal finances, calculating interest, planning investments, and understanding the long-term impact of financial decisions. Additionally, mathematics helps us measure and quantify the world around us, whether calculating distances on a map or estimating quantities at the supermarket.

Mathematical concepts are also present in tools like clocks and calendars, which organize our lives by dividing time into measurable units and facilitating the coordination of events and appointments.


Check out the video about: “Measurement of Time.”





• Had you noticed that mathematics is present in everything in our lives? Where?

• Were you familiar with the stories about timekeeping?

• Which method of timekeeping did you like the most? Why?





The clock is a crucial tool for measuring and organizing time in our lives. From the earliest methods of time measurement, such as sundials, to modern digital clocks, this invention plays a central role in various areas of society. In addition to helping us keep appointments and coordinate activities, clocks ensure safety, precision, and efficiency in areas such as transportation and science. They are also used as fashion accessories and have symbolic meanings in various cultures.




Build a clock using the pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple and Powered Machines Technological Kit.


Click the button to download the file.






Watch the video to see how the clock works:





• Did the gears in your clock work?

• What did you find most challenging about the assembly?