Art and Culture – MPB




Music is a powerful form of expression and communication, present in our daily lives, influencing our emotions, behaviors, and social interactions. The various musical rhythms such as rock, jazz, samba, hip-hop, reggae, and MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) enrich our musical experience, reflecting the cultural diversity of the world. Each rhythm has unique characteristics that can inspire us, energize us, or calm us, depending on the context. Moreover, different musical rhythms play an important role in building cultural identities and strengthening community ties. With the advancement of technology, we have access to an even wider variety of rhythms, which expands our musical horizons and promotes greater cultural diversity. In summary, musical rhythms are essential in our lives, enriching our musical experience and connecting us to each other in deep and meaningful ways.


Watch the video about: “History of MPB – Brazilian Popular Music”.





• What is your favorite musical rhythm?

• Have you ever seen a phonograph up close? Where?

• Nowadays, how do you usually listen to music?




The phonograph, an icon of music and technology history, played a crucial role as a means of musical reproduction in its time, providing entertainment and culture for families. With the advancement of technology, sound systems have evolved, making the phonograph a nostalgic and sophisticated relic today. Despite being replaced by more modern devices, the phonograph is cherished by collectors and music enthusiasts alike, adding a touch of charm and elegance to the environments where it is found.




Build a phonograph using pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple and Powered Machines Technological Kit.


Click the button to download the file.




Watch the video and see how the phonograph works:





• Did your phonograph work? Did the record spin correctly?

• Was it easy to fit the motor to the prototype?