


The Jurassic Era was a very long time ago when the Earth was very different from today. During this period, dinosaurs ruled the planet! They lived in forests full of huge trees and near rivers and lakes.

There were dinosaurs of all sizes. Some were giants, like the Brachiosaurus, which had a very long neck to reach the leaves on trees. Others were small and fast, like the Velociraptor, which ran to hunt. The famous Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the most feared, with huge, sharp teeth.


Check out the video about: “DINOSAURS: all you need to know “:





• What types of dinosaurs do you know?

• Do you have a favorite species?

• Have you ever visited a museum with dinosaur fossils?






Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and came in many different shapes and sizes. Some were herbivores, like the Brachiosaurus, which ate leaves from trees, and the Triceratops, which used its horns for defense. Others were carnivores, like the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a powerful predator, and the Velociraptor, known for its speed and agility.

Some were armored, like the Ankylosaurus, which had a tough shell. It is believed that dinosaurs went extinct about 66 million years ago, possibly due to a meteor impact that changed the climate and wiped out their food sources. Today, fossils help scientists study these amazing creatures, and birds are considered their distant relatives.



Build a dinosaur species using the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple Machines Kit.

There are no step-by-step instructions — use your imagination and creativity with your team.





Answer the questions and share your answers with your classmates.

• Were many different species created?

• Which was the largest dinosaur built?

• What was the most interesting part of the building process?

After the construction, store all the materials used.