Gisele Lima

Animais – Arthropods

CONNECT   There are terrestrial animals, like lions and elephants, aquatic animals, like fish and dolphins, and aerial animals, like eagles and butterflies. Each one has to adapt to its respective living conditions. Some animals are invertebrates and can be found in many places around the world. They do not have a backbone or spine

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CONNECT   Animals are amazing! There are so many different types of animals around the world, from small ones like ants to large ones like elephants. Some live on land, like dogs, cats, and lions. Others live in the water, like fish, whales, and dolphins. And there are those that fly in the sky, like

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CONNECT   Water is essential for all forms of life on Earth. It is constantly moving, following a continuous cycle that sustains our planet. This cycle begins with evaporation, when water from oceans, rivers, and lakes is heated by the sun and transforms into water vapor. This vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it condenses

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CONNECT   Water is vital for life on Earth and is involved in various processes that keep our planet running. It can change form, going through different stages. When it’s solid, we call it solidification, like ice. When ice becomes liquid, melting occurs. When heated, water can turn into vapor, a process known as vaporization.

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CONNECT   Water is essential for the life of all living beings, found in rivers, lakes, oceans, and even in rain. Our bodies are mostly composed of water, making it vital for our survival. In addition to drinking, we use water for various daily activities, such as washing clothes, dishes, and bathing. However, it is

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Introductorial – WeDo

CONNECT LEGO® Education has created a technological kit called WeDo 2.0, which allows your team to build small prototypes that work in a very simple way. Prototypes are small objects, animals, or constructions that mimic real-life ones. In educational robotics classes, in addition to building prototypes, they will also be programmed to function on their

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CONECTAR Nesta aula serão apresentadas mais informações sobre as peças que compõem o Kit Tecnológico WeDo 2.0. Cada peça possui uma função e é importante que todos cuidem da organização da bandeja, para que as peças sejam guardadas em seus lugares corretos e não sumam. Além da função, cada peça possui um nome: engrenagem, viga,

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Cores da Borboleta

CONECTAR A linguagem de programação é uma maneira formal e escrita de especificar um conjunto de regras e instruções usadas para criar programas de computador. Existem várias ferramentas disponíveis para escrever essas instruções, como o Scratch (, que será utilizado em nossas aulas. O Scratch é uma ferramenta de programação que utiliza blocos, semelhantes a

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CONNECT Music is a universal form of human expression that transcends cultures and borders. It involves the harmonious combination of sounds and rhythms that evoke emotions, tell stories, and connect people. Since ancient times, music has played various roles in society, being used in religious ceremonies, festive celebrations, entertainment, and even as a form of

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