Gisele Lima


CONNECT Music is an art form that involves sounds organized harmoniously and rhythmically. It is created through the combination of musical notes, rhythm, and lyrics (when present) to express emotions, tell stories, and convey messages. For many people, music plays an important role in their lives, serving as a form of personal and cultural expression. […]

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Toys and Play

CONNECT Toys are objects like dolls, cars, balls, and puzzles that we use for fun. They come in many different shapes and sizes, made from materials such as plastic, wood, and fabric. Play is the fun activities we do with these toys. We can create stories with our dolls, race our cars, or solve puzzles

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Little Artists

CONNECT Artists and art are present in our lives in many ways, making the world more beautiful and interesting. Artists are people who use their skills and imagination to create things like paintings, music, dance, films, books, and more. They can transform feelings and ideas into something we can see, hear, or feel. Art is

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Toys and Play

CONNECT “Toys and Play” play a fundamental role in children’s development, offering more than just fun. They are essential tools for stimulating physical, cognitive, and social skills. Toys range from simple building blocks and dolls to electronic games and complex puzzles, each designed for different ages and interests. Playing allows children to explore the world

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Corpo Humano

CONECTAR   O corpo humano pode ser estudado em três partes distintas: cabeça, tronco e membros. Cada parte do corpo humano é composta por várias estruturas e sistemas, cada um com sua função específica: sistema esquelético, muscular, circulatório ou cardiovascular, digestivo, nervoso, endócrino, imunológico, respiratório, urinário e reprodutor. Nenhum ser humano é igual a outro.

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Interactive Poster

CONNECT   With the advancement of technology, new content has emerged that allows for closer interaction with users. A notable example is interactive posters, found in exhibitions, museums, cinemas, schools, and commercial establishments. These posters are a visual presentation format that integrates interactive elements like videos, animations, and graphics, offering a dynamic and engaging experience

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