

CONECTAR   A Ciência é um vasto campo de estudo com o objetivo de buscar conhecimento sobre o Universo e tudo o que se encontra nele. As pessoas que trabalham com a Ciência são chamadas de cientistas, e a sua forma de trabalhar chama-se método científico. Ela trata de uma grande variedade de assuntos, que […]

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CONECTAR   A Ciência é um vasto campo de estudo com o objetivo de buscar conhecimento sobre o Universo e tudo o que se encontra nele. As pessoas que trabalham com a Ciência são chamadas de cientistas, e a sua forma de trabalhar chama-se método científico. Ela trata de uma grande variedade de assuntos, que

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Introdutória 1 – 1º ANO

CONECTAR A LEGO® Education criou um kit tecnológico chamado Máquinas Simples e Motorizadas 9686, o qual permite a construção de pequenos protótipos que funcionam de uma forma bem simples. Protótipos são pequenos objetos, bichos ou construções que imitam os da vida real. Nas aulas de robótica educacional, além da construção de protótipos, a diversão também

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Aedes Aegypti

CONNECT   It is the mosquito that transmits Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya, and Urban Yellow Fever. It originates from Africa, is smaller than common mosquitoes, has a black body with patterns forming a small cup-like design on the thorax, and white stripes on its head and legs. Its wings are translucent, and the noise it makes

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CONNECT Geography is the science responsible for understanding space and its relationship with humans. It studies geographical space, meaning all terrestrial space created by humans or that has a direct or indirect relationship with them. Thus, the study of urban and rural societies, the use and appropriation of natural resources, and natural dynamics are part

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CONNECT   In nature, there are animals with different diets: carnivores and herbivores. Carnivores are those that primarily eat meat, such as lions, tigers, and wolves. They have sharp teeth and strong claws to hunt and capture their prey. On the other hand, herbivores are animals that primarily eat plants, such as cows, horses, and

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CONNECT   Do you know what animal habitats are? Habitats are the specific places where animals live and find everything they need to survive. Some live in homes with people, like dogs and cats, and these are called domestic animals. Others live in wild places, such as forests, savannas, and oceans. They have vast spaces

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