

CONNECT   Profession is a specialized job or activity that a person performs in society. Each profession has its particularities in terms of training, necessary skills, and career opportunities. The choice of a profession can depend on factors such as personal interests, the job market, and expectations for professional growth. Regardless of the chosen field, […]

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Tourist Spots

CONNECT   Tourist spots are much more than places to visit and take photos. They are opportunities for learning, personal growth, and connecting with different cultures. By visiting them, we open ourselves to the world, broaden our horizons, and build memories that will be cherished forever. Examples of tourist spots: Lençóis Maranhenses (Maranhão):a sea of

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CONNECT Christmas is an important worldwide celebration, commemorated on December 25th, marking the birth of Jesus Christ. Beyond its religious significance, Christmas is a time that promotes feelings of love, peace, and solidarity. People from different cultures and beliefs have embraced the celebration, highlighting it as a moment of generosity, kindness, and reconciliation. Christmas traditions,

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Tourist Attractions

CONNECT   Tourist attractions are interesting and special places that attract visitors from all over the world. They can be historical monuments, natural landscapes, museums, or cultural areas that offer a unique experience. Exploring tourist attractions is a great way to learn about the history, culture, and beauty of a place. Examples of Famous Tourist

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Little Artists

CONNECT Artists are people who use their creativity and talent to create works that can be seen, heard, or experienced in different ways. They can be painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, actors, dancers, and much more. Each artist has their own way of expressing feelings, ideas, and views of the world. Types of artists: • Painters

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United Nations – UN

CONNECT   The United Nations (UN) is an international organization founded on October 24, 1945, after World War II, with the aim of promoting peace, security, and cooperation among countries. Based in New York, the UN works to address global issues such as conflicts, poverty, human rights, and climate change. The UN has several important

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Music – MPB

CONNECT Brazilian Popular Music, known by the acronym MPB, is one of Brazil’s most precious cultural treasures. Emerging in the 1960s, MPB is a fusion of various musical styles such as samba, bossa nova, baião, forró, rock, and jazz, among others. It reflects the ethnic, social, and geographical diversity of the country, incorporating elements from

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Cultural Diversity

CONNECT Cultural diversity refers to the variety of cultures that exist within a society or in the world as a whole. It encompasses differences in traditions, customs, beliefs, languages, art, cuisine, and ways of life. These differences enrich human coexistence, promoting an environment of learning and exchange of experiences. Cultural diversity is essential for the

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Pontos Turísticos

CONECTAR   Pontos turísticos são muito mais do que lugares para visitar e tirar fotos. Eles são oportunidades de aprendizado, crescimento pessoal e conexão com diferentes culturas. Ao visitá-los, nos abrimos para o mundo, ampliamos nossos horizontes e construímos memórias que serão guardadas para sempre. Exemplos de pontos turísticos: Lençóis Maranhenses (Maranhão):um mar de dunas

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Educação Financeira

CONECTAR   Um dos objetivos da Educação Financeira é economizar, cortar gastos, poupar e acumular dinheiro. Ela também auxilia na administração dos seus rendimentos, nas suas decisões de poupança e investimento, e no seu consumo consciente. Quando falamos em Educação Financeira buscamos também qualidade de vida para o presente e para o futuro, é uma

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