
CONNECT   The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world, located in South America, mainly in Brazil. It is a place full of trees, plants, amazing animals, and rivers. In the Amazon, you will find an incredible variety of plants and trees. Some trees grow so tall that we can barely see […]

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History of Inventions

CONNECT History is the science that studies human actions over time. And invention refers to anything invented and the act of inventing (new ideas or existing objects). The person who dedicates their time to these discoveries is the inventor. When creation arises from a person’s inventiveness and without concrete precedents, the invention constitutes a great

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Little Artists

CONNECT   Art is the act of making, producing, or creating something. It is a way for humans to express their emotions, history, and culture through aesthetic values such as beauty, harmony, and balance. It can be represented in various forms, especially in music, sculpture, painting, cinema, dance, among others. After its emergence thousands of

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CONNECT   Structure is a set of elements that forms the skeleton of a construction and supports walls, roofs, or ceilings. They refer to the physical elements that make up a building, bridge, tunnel, or any other construction. These structures are designed to support and transmit loads (such as self-weight, live loads, wind, earthquakes, among

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CONNECT   Animals are living beings, meaning they are born, grow, reproduce, and die. Each species has its own characteristics, such as color, size, type of food, environment where it lives, among others. Animals also have various forms of locomotion, they can walk, swim, jump, fly, crawl, or simply not move. In terms of size,

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