Traffic Education




Traffic education is vital for promoting safety and reducing accidents. Respecting traffic laws is crucial to protect the lives of all road users, including drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. In addition to preventing accidents, compliance with laws promotes order and discipline in traffic, reflecting social responsibility and citizenship. Each individual plays an important role in this scenario: drivers must drive safely and respect the rules; pedestrians must cross at crosswalks and obey signals; cyclists must follow traffic rules and use safety equipment. Authorities and educators also have a responsibility to provide education and awareness about road safety. In summary, traffic education is essential to create a safe environment on the roads, where everyone can travel with peace of mind and responsibility.


Watch the video “Rules of Road Cycling”:





• Do you know any traffic education rules? Which ones?

• Do you know anyone who works as a motorcycle rider? What is their profession?

• Were you familiar with these rules for cyclists and motorcyclists?





Motorcycles play an important role in urban mobility, offering agility and space economy. Besides being used for recreational rides, they are essential for various professions, such as delivery services. In terms of safety, motorcycles are widely used by the police due to their quick maneuverability and mobility in urban areas. They ensure efficient patrolling, increase the visibility of law enforcement, and contribute to road safety through traffic monitoring and law enforcement. In summary, motorcycles play a multifunctional role in society, promoting mobility, efficiency, and safety.




Build a motorcycle using pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple and Powered Machines Technological Kit.

Click the button to download the file.









• Did you manage to assemble it?

• What would you add to this construction?