Ethics and citizenship are fundamental values that shape our individual and collective interactions in society. They reflect not only what is right and wrong but also our commitment to mutual respect, justice, and equal opportunities for all citizens. In an increasingly diverse world, it is crucial to ensure that all members of society have equal access to resources and opportunities, regardless of their abilities or limitations. We must include all people around us.
In this context, accessibility plays a vital role in promoting inclusion and ensuring the fundamental rights of all people. The conveyor belt is an emblematic example of how technology can be employed as an effective tool for accessibility. By offering an accessible alternative to stairs and other architectural obstacles, conveyor belts make public and private spaces more accessible for people with disabilities, the elderly, and other groups who may have mobility difficulties.
Watch the video “Living with Differences”:
• How do you include people around you?
• Have you encountered signs or symbols in public or private spaces indicating accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities?
Conveyor belts are common devices in urban and commercial environments, facilitating the movement of people in busy places such as airports, subway stations, and malls. In addition to their practical function, they promote accessibility by offering an alternative to stairs for people with mobility difficulties. This contributes to a more inclusive society, where everyone has equal access. Conveyor belts can also have a positive impact on the environment by reducing congestion and emissions of pollutants.
Build a conveyor belt with the pieces of the LEGO® EDUCATION WeDo 2.0 Technological Kit.
Click the button to download the file.
Watch the video and see how the conveyor belt works:
Make the conveyor belt work as shown in the video.
1. Create the program as shown below:
2. Explain to the rest of the class how the conveyor belt worked.
Answer the questions and share the answers with your classmates.
• Did you find it difficult to place the pulleys with elastic bands?
• Would you use a different gear?
After the construction, store all materials used.