Ethics and Citizenship




Ethics and citizenship involve acting correctly and respecting others. This includes making fair choices and contributing to the common good. To be a citizen, it is essential to respect the laws and promote inclusion.

Inclusion is an important part of citizenship, and this also applies to people who use wheelchairs. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their physical abilities. This means ensuring that places are accessible and that everyone has equal opportunities.

Therefore, when we practice ethics and citizenship in relation to people who use wheelchairs, we are promoting a fairer and more inclusive environment for everyone. This includes being sensitive to accessibility needs and ensuring everyone has the chance to fully participate in society.


Watch the video “ACCESSIBILITY”:





• What is inclusion and why is it considered an important part of citizenship?

• What do you think we can do to promote the inclusion of people who use wheelchairs in our community?





A wheelchair is crucial to provide mobility and independence. There are manual models, which require physical effort, and motorized ones, making mobility easier. In addition to being a means of transport, the chair represents freedom. Treating users with respect, recognizing their abilities, is essential. Promoting accessibility is fundamental for equal opportunities and a more inclusive society.





Build a wheelchair with pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple Machines Technology Kit.

Click the button to download the file.









• Was it easy to fit the wheels and gears into your build?

• Were you able to move your wheelchair?