Fraternity & Public Policies



Public policies are actions and programs that are developed by the State to guarantee and put into practice rights that are provided for in the Federal Constitution and other laws. These are measures and programs created by governments dedicated to ensuring the well-being of the population.

Public policies affect all citizens, of all educational levels, regardless of gender, race, religion or social level. With the deepening and expansion of democracy, the responsibilities of the popular representative have diversified. Today, it is common to say that its function is to promote the well-being of society, which is related to well-developed actions and their execution in areas such as health, education, environment, housing, social assistance, leisure, transport and security, or In other words, quality of life as a whole must be considered.

Source: click here.


Watch the video “What are Public Policies?”:





•What do you know about public policies?

•Give an example of a public policy that worked in your neighborhood.

•How important are social rights for a society?






It is the place where the city is owned and controlled by public administration, which makes the State responsible for caring for and guaranteeing the universal right of citizenship, its use and enjoyment. It is made up of “urban furniture”, that is, equipment that facilitates its use: lamps, benches, trash cans, bus stops, traffic signs and information in general, among others.

Public space, by its very essence, has a fundamental characteristic: connecting places and people of all types and origins, at any time. Therefore, it is the most democratic space in the city as it facilitates the most heterogeneous exchange in time, space, age, gender and nationality.

Source: click here.




Build a public square using the pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION WeDo 2.0 Technology Kit.

Click the button to download the file.




Watch the video and see how the public square works:


Make the equipment in the square move as shown in the video.

1. Create the programming as shown below:




2. Explain to the rest of the class how they worked.


Do you do your part to help maintain the smooth functioning of public policies?

Were you able to finish the programming?

Did you experience difficulty at any stage of construction? Which?