



The environment is the place where we live, with air, water, plants, and animals. Pollution, habitat destruction, solid waste accumulation, and the rapid decrease in biodiversity are just a few examples of environmental problems generated by human action today.
Sustainability is a way to take care of our home, thinking about future generations. It means using natural resources responsibly so they don’t run out. It’s like ensuring there will be trees, clean water, and fresh air for everyone always.
A simple way to help is to use recyclable bins. You know those cans, papers, plastics, and glasses we use? If we separate them and put them in the right bins, we can recycle. This means that these materials will be turned into new things, saving resources and avoiding more pollution.
Each of us can make a difference by throwing garbage in the right bin and recycling; we are taking care of our home, planet Earth. So we can have a cleaner and healthier place to live, today and in the future. Let’s together do our part!

Watch the video “What is Sustainability?”:




• What is the importance of the environment for our life?

• What do you understand by sustainability?





Currently, attention to environmental issues is a reality that requires both understanding and participation from everyone. In this sense, the first step is the awareness of the population, which must be encouraged by both governments and companies and other organizations.

Garbage is probably the issue that is most within everyone’s reach and certainly one of the main problems when we talk about the environment, sustainability, and quality of life.

Selective collection uses ecological bins, which are functional, versatile, and colorful. They are an excellent way to encourage the population to dispose of waste correctly, according to its composition, while efficiently contributing to recycling projects and programs.

Source: click here.



Build a trash can using the pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple and Motorized Machines Technological Kit.

Click the button to download the file.






Watch the video and see how the trash can works:



• Were you able to open and close your trash can?

• Which piece was the most difficult to fit? Why?