



Christmas is a celebration marked by values such as love, unity, and solidarity, representing both a religious holiday and a time for reflection and hope. Its importance lies in the opportunity to gather family and friends, practice generosity, and renew feelings of compassion and empathy. Additionally, Christmas inspires the practice of good deeds throughout the year, promoting volunteer work, community support, daily kindness, and the defense of inclusion and the environment. Thus, by keeping the essence of Christmas alive in our daily actions, we contribute to building a more supportive and compassionate world.


Watch the video “The History of Santa Claus”:




• Is Christmas an important date for you and your family? Why?

• Do you usually assemble and decorate the Christmas tree together?

• What does this family moment represent for you?






Christmas is a celebration marked by values such as love, unity, and solidarity, representing both a religious holiday and a time for reflection and hope. Its importance lies in the opportunity to gather family and friends, practice generosity, and renew feelings of compassion and empathy. Additionally, Christmas inspires the practice of good deeds throughout the year, promoting volunteer work, community support, daily kindness, and the defense of inclusion and the environment. Thus, by keeping the essence of Christmas alive in our daily actions, we contribute to building a more supportive and compassionate world.





Build a Christmas Tree with the pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple and Motorized Machines Technology Kit.

Click the button to download the file.







Watch the video to see how the Christmas Tree works:





• Did your Christmas tree spin?

• What did you think of building the Christmas tree? Would you add anything?