Little Artists



Artists and art are present in our lives in many ways, making the world more beautiful and interesting. Artists are people who use their skills and imagination to create things like paintings, music, dance, films, books, and more. They can transform feelings and ideas into something we can see, hear, or feel.

Art is special because it helps us understand and express our emotions. When we look at a painting, listen to music, or read a poem, we can feel joy, sadness, surprise, or even become inspired. Art has the power to make us think and see the world in a different way.

Artists are also important because they bring new perspectives and make us reflect on different aspects of life. They can highlight social issues, tell stories from various cultures, or simply create something beautiful to make us smile. Museums, galleries, and theaters are places where we can appreciate these works and learn more about different forms of art.

Moreover, art is a way to connect people. Even if we speak different languages or come from different places, we can all appreciate a beautiful melody or an impressive image. Art unites us and helps us share our human experiences.



Check out the video “What is art?”:



• Do you know what an artist is?
• Where can we see works of art?
• Why is art important to people?



A painter robot is designed to create paintings using advanced technology. They use sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence to draw shapes, mix colors, and apply paint to a canvas, either following detailed instructions or improvising based on learned patterns. There are various types of painter robots, from large machines used in factories to paint objects to smaller models used by artists to explore new forms of expression.

Painter robots can work continuously, creating many paintings quickly and with great precision. Despite this, human creativity remains essential in the process. Artists often use these robots as tools to develop new ideas and techniques, combining their creativity with the efficiency of technology.


Build a Painter Robot using pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION – WeDo 2.0 Technology Kit.

Click the button to download the file.




Assista ao vídeo e veja como o Robô Pintor funciona:


Faça o Robô Pintor se movimentar igual mostrado no vídeo.

1. Crie a programação conforme mostrado abaixo:

2. Explique para o restante da turma como o Robô Pintor funcionou.


Responda às perguntas e compartilhe as respostas com os colegas.

– Quantas engrenagens são usadas na montagem e qual a função de cada uma?
– Você montaria a programação de outra forma?

Após a construção, guarde todos os materiais utilizados.