Little Artists




Art is a manifestation of human creativity expressed through forms such as painting, sculpture, music, dance, theater, literature, and cinema. It is important because it allows for personal and cultural expression, develops cognitive and emotional abilities, facilitates universal communication, and enriches education. The main forms of art include visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design), performing arts (theater, dance, opera), music, literature (poetry, prose, essays), and cinema. In school, we practice art in various spaces, such as painting classes, modeling with clay and other materials, and classes in music, theater, dance, and literature. These activities stimulate our creativity, develop social skills, value cultural diversity, and improve academic performance, making the school environment more dynamic and preparing us for a more balanced and creative life.


Watch the video “History of Movies Fun Facts”:




• At what times do you practice arts in your school?

• What type of art do you enjoy the most?

• Do you like cinema? What is your favorite movie?





Cinema is a fascinating art form that combines visual, auditory, and narrative elements to create immersive experiences. It tells captivating stories, uses impressive visual effects, emotional soundtracks, and develops deep characters. Iconic children’s films like “Toy Story,” “Frozen,” “Finding Nemo,” “Shrek,” and “Moana” demonstrate its cultural impact and ability to engage audiences. Cinema is interesting for its multidisciplinarity, cultural impact, accessibility, and technical innovation, making it a powerful form of artistic expression.




Build a cinema screen using pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple and Powered Machines Technological Kit.

Click the button to download the file.






Watch the video and see how the cinema screen works:




• Were you able to insert images into your cinema screen?

• What story did you create?

• Did your screen display the story correctly when you activated the lever?