Tourist Attractions




Tourist attractions are places of interest that attract visitors due to their natural beauty, historical significance, cultural relevance, or leisure infrastructure. Each tourist spot offers a unique experience, contributing to personal and cultural enrichment. Through visits to these places, it is possible to learn about history, culture, and the environment. Many tourist attractions offer opportunities for sports activities, such as water sports, hiking, and cycling. Sailing is a recreational activity that provides contact with nature, technical learning, physical exercise, and sustainability. In summary, visiting tourist attractions offers enriching experiences that combine leisure, learning, and contact with nature.


Watch the video about: “RIO DE JANEIRO”.





• Which tourist attractions have you visited?

• Did you practice any sports at any of them? Which one?






Sailing is a nautical activity that uses the wind to propel the boat. Practiced both as a recreational sport and as an Olympic sport, it offers physical, technical, and mental challenges to sailors. In Olympic competitions, various classes of boats compete in regattas that test their skills in different wind conditions. Sailing provides a unique connection with nature and continues to attract sailors of all ages around the world.





Build a sailboat with the pieces from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple and Motorized Machines Technology Kit.

Click the button to download the file.





Watch the video to see how the sailboat works:





• Were you able to make your sailboat move?

• What was the most interesting part of the construction?