



Recycling is the process aimed at transforming used materials into new products for reuse. Through this process, materials that would otherwise be destined for permanent waste can be repurposed.

Various materials can be recycled, such as glass, plastic, paper, or aluminum. Recycling these materials provides a more rational use of non-renewable natural resources and reduces water, air, and soil pollution.

The symbol used for recycling is a triangle composed of three black arrows arranged clockwise. The arrows represent the industry, the consumer, and recycling itself, defining a cycle.

Source: click here.


Watch the video “Why Is Recycling So Important?”:




• What is recycling?

• What is the importance of the recycling process for the environment?






Forklifts play a significant role in facilitating the efficient movement of recyclable materials in recycling centers.

They are essential for the transportation and organization of waste, optimizing the collection and separation process. They contribute to operational efficiency, increasing productivity, and facilitating the handling of recyclable materials, from paper, plastic, glass to metals.

By streamlining cargo movement in recycling centers, forklifts help reduce costs and improve logistics, making the recycling process more sustainable and economical. Thus, they play a crucial role in the recycling chain, promoting efficiency and contributing to environmentally responsible practices.





Build a forklift with the parts from the LEGO® EDUCATION Simple and Motorized Machines Technological Kit.

Click the button to download the file.





Watch the video and see how the forklift works:




• Did the forklift move correctly?

• Which part of the construction did you find most interesting?