



Animals are living beings, meaning they are born, grow, reproduce, and die. Each species has its own characteristics, such as color, size, type of food, environment where it lives, among others.

Animals also have various forms of locomotion, they can walk, swim, jump, fly, crawl, or simply not move.

In terms of size, animals vary greatly, they can be considered small, like fleas, leeches, and mosquitoes; medium-sized, like many frogs, dogs, and anteaters; and large, like cattle, elephants, and whales.

The number of legs animals have also varies according to the group they belong to. Some of them have no legs, like sponges and snakes; others have two legs, like birds and bats; there are also those with four legs, like giraffes, dogs, and frogs; some have six legs, like insects; those with eight legs, like spiders and crabs; and even those with numerous legs, like centipedes.



Check out the video “Animal Characteristics”:

Professor: ao acessar o vídeo, acione no canto inferior direito o botão configurações
clique na opção Legendas e selecione Inglês.




• Which animal do you like the most?

• What large animals have you seen?



Build the suggested prototype, using the pieces from the structural robotics technology kit in a team, following the steps.







At this moment, ask the questions related to construction, as indicated in the plan.