Art and Culture – MPB



Brazilian Popular Music (better known as MPB) is a Brazilian musical genre that emerged around 1966 with the second generation of Bossa Nova. It was a fusion of two divergent musical movements at the time, Bossa Nova and the folk engagement of the Popular Culture Centers of the National Union of Students, with the former advocating musical sophistication and the latter fidelity to Brazilian roots music.

Later, MPB expanded to include other mixtures of rhythms such as rock, soul, and samba, giving rise to a style known as samba-rock; and the mixture of Latin music influenced by reggae and samba, giving rise to a genre known as samba-reggae.


Check out the video about Brazilian Popular Music (MPB):



• Do you like MPB?

• Does your family usually listen to MPB?

• Have you ever heard of the singer Toquinho?






Have you ever seen a record player?

Have you ever listened to music on a vinyl record?

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