


The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world, located in South America, mainly in Brazil. It is a place full of trees, plants, amazing animals, and rivers.

In the Amazon, you will find an incredible variety of plants and trees. Some trees grow so tall that we can barely see the top! One of the most famous trees is the rubber tree, which produces latex, and another interesting one is the Victoria Amazonica, which has giant leaves.

The Amazon Rainforest is home to many species of animals, including monkeys, pink river dolphins, toucans, and even jaguars.

There are also various species of scorpions. They are medium to small-sized, with tails ending in a venomous sting. Although they play an important role as predators in the local ecology, some species pose a risk to humans due to their venomous sting, especially the yellow scorpion.

The Amazon produces oxygen and helps regulate the climate, making it vital for the planet. We must take care of it by avoiding deforestation and supporting preservation actions. The Amazon is a magical place, and we need to protect it to keep our planet healthy.


Watch the video “Biomes: AMAZON”:

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• What is the importance of the Amazon Rainforest for our planet?

• What are some of the notable animals that inhabit the Amazon Rainforest?

• What can we do to take care of and preserve the Amazon Rainforest?




Build the suggested prototype, using the pieces from the structural robotics technology kit in a team, following the steps.





At this moment, ask the questions related to construction, as indicated in the plan.