Gisele Lima


CONNECT   Profession is a specialized job or activity that a person performs in society. Each profession has its particularities in terms of training, necessary skills, and career opportunities. The choice of a profession can depend on factors such as personal interests, the job market, and expectations for professional growth. Regardless of the chosen field, […]

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Tourist Spots

CONNECT   Tourist spots are much more than places to visit and take photos. They are opportunities for learning, personal growth, and connecting with different cultures. By visiting them, we open ourselves to the world, broaden our horizons, and build memories that will be cherished forever. Examples of tourist spots: Lençóis Maranhenses (Maranhão):a sea of

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Tapete Interativo

CONECTAR Um tapete interativo combina a funcionalidade de um tapete tradicional com recursos digitais e interativos, utilizando sensores, LEDs, projeções e conectividade. Eles são usados em educação, recreação e terapia, proporcionando aprendizado interativo, desenvolvimento infantil, jogos, exercícios físicos, fisioterapia e terapia ocupacional. Características principais incluem sensores de movimento, retorno visual e sonoro, conectividade e durabilidade.

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Cartaz Sonoro

CONECTAR A evolução das apresentações com cartazes é notável, passando de criações manuais simples para versões altamente interativas nos dias atuais. Hoje em dia, os cartazes oferecem a possibilidade de interação através de recursos como vídeos, animações e gráficos. Eles transformam o ambiente de aprendizagem, tornando-o mais participativo e são uma ferramenta essencial para transmitir

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Human Body

CONNECT   The human body can be studied in three distinct parts: head, trunk, and limbs. Each part of the human body is made up of various structures and systems, each with its specific function: skeletal, muscular, circulatory or cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, endocrine, immune, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems. No human being is the same

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CONNECT Christmas is an important worldwide celebration, commemorated on December 25th, marking the birth of Jesus Christ. Beyond its religious significance, Christmas is a time that promotes feelings of love, peace, and solidarity. People from different cultures and beliefs have embraced the celebration, highlighting it as a moment of generosity, kindness, and reconciliation. Christmas traditions,

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