Gisele Lima

Ethics and Citizenship

CONNECT   Ethics and citizenship involve acting correctly and respecting others. This includes making fair choices and contributing to the common good. To be a citizen, it is essential to respect the laws and promote inclusion. Inclusion is an important part of citizenship, and this also applies to people who use wheelchairs. Everyone deserves to […]

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Life on the Planet

CONNECT   One of the biggest challenges today is the preservation of life on the planet, we have to be aware that it is necessary to take care to maintain everything that surrounds it: the environment, soil, atmosphere, light and water, which are fundamental factors for the maintenance of life, as they guarantee the survival

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CONNECT   Recycling is the process that aims to transform used materials into new products with a view to their reuse. Through this process, materials that would be destined for permanent waste can be reused. It is possible to recycle various materials such as glass, plastic, paper or aluminum. The recycling of these materials provides

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CONNECT   Water is one of the most important natural resources for humanity, as we cannot live without it. We need water to perform various daily tasks, such as: preparing meals, taking care of personal and domestic hygiene, fishing, using it for transport, producing electricity, using it for irrigation, for our hydration, etc. These activities

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CONNECT   Animals are living beings, that is, they are born, grow, reproduce and die. Each species has its own characteristics, such as: color, size, type of food, environment where it lives, among others. Animals also have different forms of locomotion, being able to walk, swim, jump, fly, crawl or simply not move. In size,

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CONECTAR   A robótica, ciência que utiliza tecnologia para construir robôs, busca facilitar tarefas por meio de máquinas autônomas ou controladas por comandos. Nas aulas de robótica educacional, explora-se a construção de protótipos, desde imitações de animais e brinquedos até máquinas reais, utilizando kits tecnológicos estrutural para entender conceitos de construção. Antes das aulas de



CONECTAR   A robótica é a ciência que utiliza tecnologia para criar robôs, máquinas capazes de executar tarefas mediante comandos humanos. Nas aulas de robótica educacional, os alunos exploram conceitos de construção estrutural por meio de um kit tecnológico de robótica estrutural. Ele abrange bases, vigas, conectores, rodas, eixos, engrenagens, polias e motores. As bases



CONECTAR   A robótica, ciência que emprega a tecnologia na construção de robôs, é explorada em aulas educacionais para pesquisas e construção de protótipos. Os kits tecnológicos de montagem estrutural são utilizados para compreender desde conceitos básicos até o funcionamento de máquinas avançadas, como motores. Bases e vigas, chamadas de hastes, são cruciais para a



CONECTAR   A robótica é a ciência que utiliza tecnologia para construir máquinas capazes de realizar tarefas de forma autônoma ou controlada. Nas aulas de robótica educacional, são feitas pesquisas e construção de protótipos, como animais, brinquedos e máquinas. Os kits tecnológicos permitem explorar conceitos de construção estrutural, incluindo bases, vigas, conectores, rodas e alavancas.