
Emitindo Sons

CONECTAR   A animação é o processo de criar a ilusão de movimento ao exibir uma sequência rápida de imagens estáticas. Inicialmente, a animação era feita desenhando cada quadro à mão, como nas produções de Walt Disney. Com o avanço da tecnologia, a animação por computador surgiu, permitindo a criação de filmes totalmente digitais, como […]

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Botão Surpresa

CONECTAR     A animação dá vida a desenhos, criando a ilusão de movimento e permitindo contar histórias visuais. Inicialmente feita à mão em 2D, evoluiu com a tecnologia para a animação digital, e mais tarde para o 3D, que oferece maior realismo e complexidade. O 3D se destaca no cinema e em grandes produções,

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O que é uma Animação?

CONECTAR   A animação dá vida a desenhos feitos em papel ou em programas de computador, criando histórias animadas. Walt Disney usou esse processo para animar seus desenhos, que começavam em simples folhas de papel. No computador, a animação é feita quadro a quadro usando programas de computação gráfica para gerar movimento. A animação 2D

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Adicione um Ator

CONECTAR   A animação é a técnica de criar a ilusão de movimento através de imagens estáticas. Evoluiu desde os dispositivos ópticos do século XIX até os avanços digitais de hoje. Inicialmente em 2D, com desenhos à mão, e depois em 3D, com modelos digitais manipulados por computador. Filmes clássicos como os da Disney e

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Make Something Fly

CONNECT   Animation is an art form that creates moving images, giving characters or visual elements the sensation of life. It has evolved over time, from simple techniques to the complex 2D and 3D animations we know today. 2D animation involves creating illusions of movement through two-dimensional drawings, while 3D animation uses digitally manipulated three-dimensional

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Animate an Actor

CONNECT   Cartoons come to life when we add movement to drawings made on paper or in digital editing programs. Great artists like Walt Disney used this technique to bring their drawings to life. In computer animation, each frame is drawn separately and captured by computer graphics programs, allowing for realistic movements. Traditional 2D animation

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Say Something

CONNECT   Animation is an art form that brings characters and stories to life through the illusion of movement. It is a way of storytelling and stimulating imagination, whether in 2D or 3D. Animation has always enchanted people of all ages. We can see animation in Disney movies and cartoons on TV, which are examples

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Animate a Name

CONNECT   Communication between humans and computers is facilitated by programming language. This form of written language establishes a set of instructions and rules, known as algorithms, which are used to create programs (software). These programs are later translated or interpreted into a form understandable and executable by the computer. A practical example of this

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Follow the Mouse

CONNECT   Digital animations transform images into motion, bringing characters and objects to life. There are different types, such as frame-by-frame animation, which creates the illusion of movement by showing slightly different drawings in rapid succession, and computer animation, which uses special programs to create smooth and realistic movements. Present in movies, games, websites, and

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Animate the Macaw

CONNECT   Animations are like movies made with many images that follow each other quickly to create the sensation of movement. These images can be hand-drawn, digitally created, or captured photographically with real objects in different positions. Once created, these images are placed in a computer program specialized in graphics that uses animation techniques to

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