Nutrition Education




It is an area that aims to encourage the practice of healthy eating habits, which contribute to learning, good health, and quality of life.

School is a great environment to promote proper, healthy, and safe eating, mainly by introducing concepts of food, their benefits for proper nutrition, and their respective nutritional values, at different levels of education.


Watch the video “Healthy Eating”:

Professor: ao acessar o vídeo, acione no canto inferior direito o botão configurações
clique na opção Legendas e selecione Inglês.




• What does it mean to have a healthy diet?

• How many meals do you have throughout the day?

• What are the main foods that you need to consume daily?





Build the suggested prototype, using the pieces from the structural robotics technology kit in a team, executing the steps.







At this moment, ask the questions related to construction, as indicated in the plan.