Means of transport



Transportation means are designed for the movement of people or goods and can be terrestrial, riverine, or aerial. They represent different ways of getting around: bicycles, trains, buses, boats, among others.

The evolution of transportation has been crucial for the development of civilization, bringing numerous economic, social, and environmental benefits. Continuous innovation in this sector promises further advances in efficiency, sustainability, and accessibility, shaping the future of global mobility.


Check out the video “An Animated History of Transportation”:


• What is the function of transportation means?

• Do you know which transportation means were used in the past?

• Which transportation mean do you usually use in your daily life?

• Is there any mode of transportation you haven’t used yet? Which one?




Build the suggested prototype with the pieces from the structural robotics technology kit as a team, following the steps.







At this moment, ask questions related to construction, as indicated in the planning.