


Christmas is a celebration filled with meaning and importance for many people around the world. Originally, Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, a central event for Christians, symbolizing hope, love, and salvation. However, over the years, Christmas has become more than a religious festivity; it has become a universal period of unity, generosity, and reflection.
Christmas is a special time to gather families and friends. People travel long distances to be with their loved ones, sharing moments of joy and creating precious memories.
The Christmas season inspires many to practice generosity and solidarity. It is common to see people donating time, gifts, and food to those in need.
Celebrating Christmas brings a sense of renewal and hope. It marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, filling hearts with optimism for the upcoming new year.
Traditions and culture are part of this celebration, such as decorating the tree, singing Christmas carols, exchanging gifts, and preparing special meals. These traditions vary from one culture to another, but all have the power to unite people and keep cultural heritages alive.


Watch the video “What is the True Meaning of Christmas”:



• How do you celebrate Christmas?

• What Christmas traditions do you appreciate the most and why?

• What are the meanings of the gifts exchanged during Christmas?




Build the suggested prototype with the pieces from the structural robotics technology kit as a team, following the steps.





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