Gisele Lima


CONNECT   Structure is a set of elements that forms the skeleton of a construction and supports walls, roofs, or ceilings. They refer to the physical elements that make up a building, bridge, tunnel, or any other construction. These structures are designed to support and transmit loads (such as self-weight, live loads, wind, earthquakes, among

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CONNECT   Animals are living beings, meaning they are born, grow, reproduce, and die. Each species has its own characteristics, such as color, size, type of food, environment where it lives, among others. Animals also have various forms of locomotion, they can walk, swim, jump, fly, crawl, or simply not move. In terms of size,

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CONECTAR   A Floresta Amazônica é um ecossistema vital e impressionante, estendendo-se por nove países da América do Sul, predominantemente no Brasil. Sua importância reside na regulação do clima global, na biodiversidade incomparável e na influência nos ciclos hidrológicos. No entanto, enfrenta ameaças crescentes devido ao desmatamento, agronegócio, mineração e incêndios florestais. A preservação é

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