Fundamental 2

Travel to the World

CONNECT   Traveling the world is an enriching journey that allows us to explore a multitude of cultures, traditions, and landscapes. One of the most fascinating parts of traveling is the opportunity to learn about different cultures, from their customs and cuisine to their beliefs and values. While traveling the world, we can visit a […]

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CONNECT   Structure is a set of elements that form the skeleton of a work and support walls, roofs, or ceilings. These are physical elements that provide support, stability, and strength to a given construction, whether it is a building, a bridge, a tower, among others. These structures can be of different types and shapes,

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CONNECT   Science is fundamental for understanding the world around us and advancing as a society. It helps us understand natural phenomena, drives innovation and the development of technologies, solves complex problems, underpins decision-making, and promotes scientific literacy. Science is essential for human progress, offering a solid foundation for exploration, knowledge, and the improvement of

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Amusement park

CONNECT Amusement parks hold great importance for society. They provide a space where we can have fun and relax. They offer a wide range of attractions for all ages, allowing friends and family to spend time together in a joyful and stimulating environment. Some parks have educational and interactive attractions that teach science, technology, and

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CONNECT   The Amazon Rainforest is a vital and impressive ecosystem, spanning nine countries in South America, predominantly in Brazil. Its importance lies in global climate regulation, unparalleled biodiversity, and influence on hydrological cycles. However, it faces increasing threats due to deforestation, agribusiness, mining, and forest fires. Preservation is urgent and requires joint action by

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Cultural Diversity

CONNECT Cultural diversity is a concept that recognizes and celebrates the different forms of human expression around the world. It encompasses a variety of cultural elements such as languages, customs, traditions, religious practices, art, music, cuisine, and architecture, among others. This diversity arises from the interaction between people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, languages, and

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Diversidade Cultural

CONECTAR A diversidade cultural é um conceito que reconhece e celebra as diferentes formas de expressão humana ao redor do mundo. Ela abrange uma variedade de elementos culturais, como línguas, costumes, tradições, práticas religiosas, arte, música, culinária e arquitetura, entre outros. Essa diversidade surge da interação entre pessoas de diferentes origens, etnias, religiões, idiomas e

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CONECTAR O Natal é uma celebração cheia de significado e importância para muitas pessoas ao redor do mundo. Originalmente, o Natal comemora o nascimento de Jesus Cristo, um evento central para os cristãos, que simboliza esperança, amor e salvação. No entanto, ao longo dos anos, o Natal se tornou mais do que uma festividade religiosa;

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Fundo do Mar

CONECTAR   O fundo do mar é um ambiente misterioso e inexplorado, abrigando diversos ecossistemas únicos e organismos adaptados a condições extremas, como altas pressões e escuridão total. Tartarugas marinhas, que migram entre áreas de alimentação e desova, desempenham um papel crucial nos ecossistemas marinhos, apesar de não viverem nas profundezas. Submarinos e veículos submersíveis

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