Fundamental I


1st and 2nd YEAR3rd, 4th AND 5th YEAR


– Presentation

Teacher, put the students in a circle and start by saying your name and a little about yourself. Then ask each student to share information about themselves, such as: name, age, hobbies, something unusual and funny they did on vacation.


– Robot dynamics

– masking tape

Objective: To work on motor coordination, logic and attention skills, introducing concepts of sequence and precision, in a fun and practical way.


Masking tape (for creating paths and signs on the floor)
Large space (classroom or courtyard)

Step by step:

1. Environment preparation:

● Use masking tape to create a path on the floor. You can make straight or zig-zag lines, like a simple obstacle course, or even form circles and squares to represent different areas the robots must reach.

2. Explanation of the dynamics:
● Explain to the children that one will transform into a robot and follow the commands of the “programmer” (teacher).
● Tell them that, just like the robot, they need to follow the commands precisely and sequentially to complete the route.
● Example of an opening sentence: “Robot, let’s take the path marked with masking tape, but to do so, I need you to follow the instructions exactly!”

3. Commands and movements:

● Start giving simple commands for the child (robot) to follow, always using the lines and marks made with masking tape. Some command suggestions:
● “Robot, take 3 steps forward”
● “Robot, turn right and go to the end of the line.”
● “Robot, take 3 steps back!”
● “Robot, follow the zigzag path to the end!”
● “Robot, touch the ground with both hands, then move forward!”
● Children must follow the order of commands precisely, as if they were robots performing programmed tasks.

4. Variety of commands:

● To make the dynamics more interesting, alternate between body movement commands (jump, run, turn) and directional commands (walk forward, backward, turn left/right).

5. Final reflection:

● After the activity, gather the children together and talk about what it was like to follow the commands.
● Ask: “How did you feel as a robot?”, “Was it easy or difficult to follow the commands?”, “What happens when we don’t follow the correct order?”
● Explain the importance of following instructions correctly, as a robot needs to follow commands to perform its tasks.

Note: in each round, change the student (robot) so that everyone can participate.


– Presentation

Teacher, put the students in a circle and start by saying your name and a little about yourself. Then ask each student to share information about themselves, such as: name, age, hobbies, something unusual and funny they did on vacation.


– Mime dynamics

Objective: To stimulate creativity, teamwork and knowledge about the activities that children usually do during the holidays.

How it works:

1 – Division of Groups:

● Divide the class into 3 or 4 groups, depending on the number of students.
● Each group will be in a different area of the room.

2 – Activity Explanation:

● Explain to the students that one person from each group will do a mime, representing an activity that is usually done during the holidays, such as traveling, going to the beach, playing in the park, visiting relatives, etc.
● The rest of the group will be responsible for trying to guess what is being represented, but without using words or sounds, just gestures and body expressions.

3 – Examples of Mime Activities:

● Swimming in the pool
● Travel by plane
● Play football
● Playing with friends in the park
● Go to the movies
● Ride a bike
● Visiting grandparents or relatives

4 – How to Play:

● The student who is going to do the mime must think of a holiday activity (among those you suggested or others that he or she chooses) and represent it only with gestures and expressions.
● The rest of the group has 1 minute to try to guess what their partner is imitating.
● Each group has 2 to 3 minutes to mime and guess.

5 – Variation (Optional):

● If any group manages to guess, they can mime it to the other group, and so on. The group that guesses the most activities correctly wins!

6 – Finalization:

● At the end, you can have a short chat about the different ways to enjoy the holidays and what each person likes to do most during this period.

Structural Robotics(Lego Education®)

Projects are developed at different degrees of difficulty. Obey the ascending order of projects when applying.
















PROJECT 5: In this class, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technological kit they learned throughout the classes to build their own prototype.






PROJECT 7: In this class, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technological kit they learned throughout the classes to build their own prototype.





Structural Robotics

Projects are developed at different degrees of difficulty. Obey the ascending order of projects when applying.

Organize the class into teams of a maximum of five students and distribute the structural robotics kit. Guide them to carry out all the steps.


Project 1: Introductory 1

Prototype: Square and Triangle

Link in English:

After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • What was the biggest difference you noticed between the constructions?
  • Was it easy to build?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 2: In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technology kit they have learned about in previous lessons to build a prototype of their own design.


Project 3: Environment and Sustainability 1

Prototype: Windmill

Link in English:

After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Did the structure stand up?
  • Was it difficult to use the part called the rod to make the windmill move?
  • Was it easy to use the connectors?
  • Did the windmill your team created have movement?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 4: Animals

Prototype: Cat

Link in English:

After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Did the prototype look like a cat preparing to jump?
  • Which part was used the most in the cat’s body?
  • Did you find it difficult to fit the rods during assembly?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 5: Amazon

Prototype: Mushroom

Link in English:

After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Did you easily identify the flexible rods?
  • What are the differences between the mushrooms?
  • Each mushroom has a different connector; do you know why?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 6: In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technology kit they have learned about throughout the lessons to build a prototype of their own design.


Project 7: Science

Prototype: Hot Air Balloon

Link in English:

After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • How was the experience of shaping the balloon with flexible rods?
  • Did you find it difficult to stabilize the structure?
  • Did you think you would need to create a support for the balloon?

Then, store all the materials used.

Project 1: Introductory 1

Prototype: Levers




After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Did you notice the difference between the assembled levers?
  • Which lever was the most difficult to build?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 2: In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technology kit they have learned about throughout the lessons to build a prototype of their own design.


Project 3: Life on the Planet

Prototype: Bee


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Did you encounter any difficulties fitting the orange rods and assembling the bee’s wing?
  • Would you change anything in the assembly? What?
  • How was it to fit the blue pieces to form the bee’s body?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 4: Food Education

Prototype: Fruits


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Did you identify the fruit?
  • What other fruit would you like to make?
  • What did you think about fitting the flexible rods together?

Then, store all the materials used.



Project 5: Structures

Prototype: Towers


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • What is the importance of the gray and blue pieces in the assembly?
  • Were you able to identify the pieces that shape the tower?
  • How was the construction of the top of the tower?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 6: In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technology kit they have learned about throughout the lessons to build a prototype of their own design.


Project 7: Brazilian Popular Music (MPB)

Prototype: Drum


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Did you identify what the musical instrument was?
  • Which part of the assembly did you find most interesting?
  • How would you build the drumstick?

Then, store all the materials used.

Project 1: Introductory 1

Prototype: Using the concepts of gears and a motor, create a prototype with movement that uses a motor and gears.


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • What was built?
  • Using gears and a motor, were you able to make the prototype move?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 2: In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technology kit they have learned about throughout the lessons to build a prototype of their own design.

Project 3: Amazon

Prototype: Scorpion


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Were you able to identify that the animal built is a scorpion?
  • Did you have difficulty building the scorpion’s tail?
  • How was the process of assembling the scorpion’s legs?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 4: Food Education

Prototype: Scale


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Was the assembly stabilized?
  • Did you have difficulty connecting the gray rods with the red connectors to create movement in the assembly?
  • What change would you make in the assembly to ensure the scale is level?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 5: Science

Prototype: Explorer Robot


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Was it possible to create movement in the assembly?
  • Did you have difficulty connecting the gray connector to the blue one?
  • Would you assemble it differently?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 6: In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technology kit that they have learned about throughout the lessons to construct their own prototype.


Project 7: Evolution of Technologies

Prototype: Drone


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • Which part of the construction did you find most challenging?
  • Did you have difficulty assembling the drone’s propellers?
  • Did the propellers move?

Then, store all the materials used.

Project 1: Introductory 1

Prototype: Artesian Well and Fan


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions.

  • How many axles were used in the assembly? And how many gears?
  • Which parts were used to secure the pulleys and gears?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 2: In this class, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technology kit they have learned about throughout the lessons to construct their own prototype.


Project 3: Life on the Planet

Prototype: Elephant


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the following questions:

  • Did the elephant stand up?
  • What part of the construction did you find most interesting?
  • In assembling the elephant’s ear, only green pieces were used. How else would you assemble the ear?

Next, store all the materials used.


Project 4: Food Education

Prototype: Healthy and Unhealthy Foods




After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the following questions:

In the assembly, we have pineapple, carrot, and pizza.

  • Would you assemble another food item? Which one?
  • Were you able to easily see that the pizza assembly has two parts?
  • Which of the three constructions was closest to reality?

Next, store all the materials used.


Project 5: Little Artists

Prototype: Cinema


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the following questions:

  • Was it possible to identify that it was a cinema prototype?
  • What was more difficult to assemble: the screen or the chair?
  • How was it to fit the gray piece of the chair seat?

Next, store all the materials used.


Project 6: In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technology kit they have learned about throughout the lessons to build their own prototype.


Project 7: Animals

Prototype: Giraffe with Motor


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions:

  • Did you find it easy to fit the motor into the construction?
  • Were you able to give movement to the assembly?
  • How was it to fit the pieces for the giraffe assembly?

Next, store all the materials used.


Project 1: Introductory 1

Prototype: Robot


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions:

  • How many rods were used in the assembly?
  • How many connectors were used?
  • Did the assembly stand up?

Next, store all the materials used.


Project 2: In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technology kit that they have learned about throughout the classes to construct their own prototype.


Project 3: Amazon

Prototype: Hut (Oca)


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions:

  • Did you assemble it quickly?
  • Was it easy or difficult to make the upper round part of the hut?
  • How was it to fit the top part onto the bottom part of the hut?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 4: Structures

Prototype: Tree House


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions:

  • How many connectors did you use to build the ladder?
  • Did the swing show any movement?
  • What did you think about building the leaves? Would you do it differently?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 5: Evolution of Technologies

Prototype: Gramophone with Motor


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions:

  • In building the horn, flexible rods were used in a specific part. If only rigid rods were used, would the horn maintain its original shape?
  • Was it easy or difficult to construct the moving part of the disc?
  • In constructing the gramophone prototype, did you identify the function of the crank?

Then, store all the materials used.


Project 6: In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to freely and creatively explore all the components of the technological kit that they have learned about throughout the lessons to construct their own prototype.


Project 7: Environment and Sustainability 1

Prototype: Windmill with Motor


After building the prototype, share your experience with your classmates and answer the questions:

  • Was it possible to identify the function of the motor in the assembly?
  • How was the construction of the windmill’s gear?
  • Would you make the base differently?

Next, store all the materials used.

Circuit Board

The Makey Makey Circuit Board works by connecting objects that conduct electricity, such as fruit, aluminum foil, modeling clay, water, or even the human body, to a computer interface. These objects can replace keyboard keys or mouse clicks, allowing users to interact with the computer in unusual ways.

Classes using the circuit board require specific materials. Plan and request these materials at least 15 days in advance of school.






Teacher: In class 1, when clicking on the class link, the focus should be on the Connect and Contemplate moments (teaching how the board, alligator cables, jumpers, etc.) work. In class 2, the objective will be to focus on the Build and Continue moments.

Programming Language

SCRATCH is free online programming software, students have quick, easy access anywhere. Programming is done in blocks and students learn the fundamentals of programming, such as creating loops and using conditions. It stimulates creativity as it allows the creation of stories, animations and games.





Teacher: In class 1, when clicking on the class link, the focus should be on the Connect and Contemplate moments (teaching about the platform and how the program works). In class 2, the objectives will be the Build and Continue moments.




Teacher: In class 1, when clicking on the class link, the focus should be on the Connect and Contemplate moments (teaching about the platform and how the program works). In class 2, the objectives will be the Build and Continue moments.

Computational Thinking

Online games and unplugged activities are complementary tools in teaching computational thinking. Digital games stimulate creativity and problem-solving, while unplugged activities support the development of skills such as decomposition and abstraction. Together, these approaches strengthen learning in an interactive, practical, and accessible way.

An internet connection is essential for it to function. This is because students’ interactions and programming are processed online.

CLICK HERE – Answer Key: Unplugged Activities


Suggested Activity 1: Online Program


In the game you must follow the Instructions and take the character Marco or Sophia to fulfill the objectives.


It is an educational game that introduces basic programming and computational thinking concepts to children. In the game, players guide the character Marco or Sophia through a series of levels, using visual commands to overcome obstacles and achieve specific goals. This playful approach allows students to develop sequencing, logic and problem-solving skills in a fun and interactive way.


Suggested Activity 2:

Teacher, print 1 copy per student of the PDF file: PC_1ST_GRADE

Suggested Activity 1: Online Program


You must program the robot to fulfill the objectives.


It is an educational game that teaches basic programming concepts, such as sequential logic, procedures and loops, through challenges where the player programs a robot to light lamps on a board. It promotes critical thinking and problem solving, making learning programming interactive and fun.


Suggested Activity 2:

Note: Teacher, print the PDF document (CLICK HERE) – 1 copy per student.


Suggested Activity 1: Online Program


You must plan to take the boxes to their objective.


It is a logic game where the player programs a robotic arm to move boxes, creating sequences of commands to solve challenges. The game teaches concepts such as sequences, loops and conditionals, promoting problem-solving and computational thinking skills. It is a game that introduces students to programming logic in a fun and gradual way.


Suggested Activity2:

Note: Teacher, print the PDF document (CLICK HERE) – 1 copy per student.

Maker Activity

Experiencing moments of learning in maker classes provides a unique happiness, where creativity and innovation come together, transforming ideas into reality and promoting learning in a practical way.

Importance of prototyping in robotics

Prototyping in robotics is essential for testing features, identifying problems and adjusting the project before the final version, saving time and resources. It encourages creativity and innovation, allowing students to experiment and seek different solutions. Prototyping promotes active learning by applying concepts from science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics to solve problems, and facilitates teamwork and collaboration. The practice also simulates real scenarios, preparing students for challenges where technologies are developed in various phases of testing and reviews.

After finishing the prototype, use your creativity to decorate and personalize it.


Prototype: PUPPETS


Justification: aims to develop students’ creativity and motor coordination, providing a playful and practical experience. By using materials such as toilet paper rolls and bottle caps, children stimulate their imagination and artistic expression when creating puppets. The activity also encourages collaboration and communication, allowing students to present their creations and act out stories, making learning more dynamic and meaningful.


Materials: two rolls of toilet paper, blunt scissors, paste, pencil to make the holes, markers or gouache paint for decoration, ruler, popsicle stick, string (2 medium and 1 large pieces) and 4 plastic bottle caps, 2 pieces of leaves colored according to the animal that will be raised. (the sheets can be replaced with gouache paint or white paper and decorated by the student).

Tip: it is not necessary to pierce the popsicle stick, you can tie it as shown in the image.

Duration: 3 classes

ATTENTION: This activity will be individual. Separate the amount needed per student.



Justification: aims to teach about how planes work and the importance of recycling. By creating airplanes with PET bottles, students develop manual skills and can unleash their imagination. This activity also helps you better understand the science behind airplanes, making learning fun and interesting.



Materials: pet bottle, white glue, blunt scissors, white A4 sheet, blue or colored laid and paper sheet.

Duration: 2 classes

ATTENTION: This activity will be individual. Separate the amount needed per student.


Prototype: ROCKET



Justification: teaches students about science in a fun way, allowing them to build their own rockets, using simple materials such as paper and cardboard, children improve their manual skills and unleash their imagination. This activity makes learning about rockets and space more interesting.




Materials: sheet of yellow or colored laid paper, 2 sheets of red or colored laid paper, pencil, ruler, blunt scissors, white glue, compass (replace with a milk can lid or any circle-shaped object) and piece of cardboard.

Duration: 2 classes

ATTENTION: This activity will be individual. Separate the amount needed per student.

Prototype: ROULETTE


Justification: allows students to work as a team to create a personalized roulette wheel, developing social skills such as communication and cooperation. This activity makes learning more dynamic and interactive, integrating curricular content in a playful way.

Materials: blunt scissors, white glue, compass or any circle-shaped object, cardboard, pencil, ruler, craft glue, straw, colored papers, figures according to the theme chosen for the game (in the example: the theme used was discoveries and inventions and the figures represent this theme) and 2 barbecue sticks.

Duration: 3 classes

ATTENTION: This activity will be in a team with 4 participants.

Tip for the teacher: after construction, here are some suggestions for playing using the roulette wheel:

questions and answers on different topics;

physical challenges, such as jumping or imitating animals;

represent emotions by miming or telling stories;

prizes and funny tasks, such as singing or imitating;

draw drawn themes, such as animals or objects, for classmates to guess.

These activities are fun and educational, encouraging learning and collaboration.